
A drawdown pension is a way of flexibly accessing your pension fund. I can advise you on whether to take a tax-free lump sum, then help you move the remaining amount into a Flexi Access Drawdown Product. Income drawdown offers flexibility and the opportunity for growth, making it popular amongst retirees.

lady smiling behind laptop at desk

During an initial consultation, I will calculate how much income you can sustainably draw from the pension, considering your need for income, your financial goals and drawdown rates. When in drawdown the amount of income can be increased or decreased in line with your objectives.

Due to the nature of Income Drawdown, your residual pension pot will remain invested, maintaining the potential for capital growth. As your financial adviser, I can explain how a drawdown fund could benefit you, as well as devise a retirement plan that mitigates risk and produces the most profitable returns.

One of the main benefits of a drawdown pension is how easily you can pass on your inheritance when you die. Any remaining fund can be passed down to future generations without incurring inheritance tax. Additional benefits include unrestricted access and flexibility, leaving you more in control of your money.


To discuss how a drawdown pension can benefit you financially, contact Michael Reed today. 

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T: 01509 277746
M: 07702085589

E: [email protected]


Ratcliffe House, Leake Road,
Costock, Loughborough
LE12 6XA